Training Blow out Prevention and Well Control : (07-09 Agustus 2024,Jakarta) (14-16 Agustus 2024,Yogyakarta) (21-23 Agustus 2024,Bandung) (28-30 Agustus 2024, Surabaya)


  • Merupakan salah satu masalah lubang sumur di operasi pemboran
  • Menyebabkan timbulnya biaya ekstra yang cukup besar
  • Berpotensi menyebabkan hilangnya sebagian atau semua fasilitas pemboran di lapangan karena kick dan  blow out yang tidak terkontrol
  • Menunda waktu produksi sumur (POP)


  • Mengetahui gejala kejadian kick dan blow out.
  • Mengetahui kerugian akibat kick yang tidak terkontrol atau blow out.
  • Mengetahui usaha pencegahan terjadinya blow out.
  • Mengetahui cara mengidentifikasi mekanisme kick yang terjadi.
  • Mengetahui kronologi terjadinya kick dan blow out dan cara penanggulangannya dengan Well Control.


Operator/ Sr. Operator/ Jr. Engineer/Non Engineer


Well Control Introduction

  • Introduction to course
  • Basic Concepts
  •  Liquid Hydrostatics

Gas Behavior and Hydrostatics

  • Ideal Gases
  • Effect of Temperature
  • Real Gases
  • Critical Temperature & Pressure
  • Pseudo-Critical Temp. and Press.
  • Gas Compressibility
  • Gas Migration

Kick and Gas Migration

  • Density of real gasses
  • Equivalent Mud Weight (EMW)
  • Wellbore pressure before and after kick
  • Gas migration rate – first order approx.
  • Gas migration rate – w/mud compressibility

Gas Solubility

  • Solubility of Hydrocarbon Gasses in Oil
  • Solubility of Non-Hydrocarbon Gasses in Oil
  • Solution Volume Factors
  • Oil Mud  Recommendations

Pore Pressure Prediction

  • Mud Weight and Pore Pressure
  • Mud Weight and Fracture Gradient
  • Normal Pore Pressure
  • ubnormal Pore Pressure
  • Abnormal Pore Pressure
  • Origins of Pore Pressure
  • Bulk Density and Porosity vs. Depth

Drilling Rate and Pore Pressure

  • Forces on Subsurface Rock
  • d-exponent
  • dc-exponent
  • Rehm and McClendon
  • Zamora
  • Comb’s Method
  • Bourgoyne and Young’s Method

Other Indicators of Abnormal Pore Pressure

  • Moore’s Equation – Drilling rate
  • Gas in the Drilling Fluid
  • Rock Sample Characteristics
  • Use of Surge and Swab Pressure to determine Overbalance
  • Changes in Drilling Fluid Properties
  • Temperature Indications
  • Hole Conditions

Logging While Drilling

  • Sonic Travel Time
  • Resistivity and Conductivity
  • Eaton’s Equations (R, C, Dt, dc)
  • Natural Gamma Ray

Fracture Gradients 1

  • Allowable Wellbore Pressures
  • Rock Mechanics Principles
  • Hooke’s Law, Young’s Mudulus, Poisson’s Ratio
  • Volumetric Strain, Bulk Modulus, Compressibility
  • Triaxial Tests
  • Rock Mechanics Principles (con’t.)
  • Rock Properties from Sound Speed in Rocks’
  • Mohr’s Circle
  • Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criteria

Fracture Gradients 2

  • Radial and Tangential Stresses near the Wellbore
  • Stresses in Rock near Wellbore
  • Effect of Anisotropic Stresses
  • Onshore vs. Offshore Fracture Gradients
  • Fracture Gradients in Inclined Wellbores
  • Oil Based and Water Based Drilling Fluids

Fracture Gradients Determination

  • Hubbert and Willis
  • Matthews and Kelly
  • Ben Eaton
  • Christman
  • Prentice
  • Leak-Off Test (experimental)

Kick Detection and Control

  • Primary and Secondary Well Control
  • What Constitutes a Kick
  • Why Kicks Occur
  • Kick Detection Methods
  • Shut-in Procedures
  • Soft and Hard Shut-in
  • Water Hammer

Off Bottom Kick

  • Slugging of drillpipe
  • Hole fill during trips
  • Surge and Swab pressures
  • Kick detection during trips
  • Shut-In Procedures
  • Blowout Case History

Control Pressures and Circulation Kill Techniques 1

  • Shut-In Pressures
  • Weighting Up the Mud
  • Driller’s Method
  • Wait & Weight Method

 Control Pressures and Circulation Kill Techniques 2

  • Wait & Weight Method
  • Concurrent Method
  • Annulus Pressure Profiles
  • Kicks in Oil-Based Mud

Secondary Well Control Complications

  • Volumetric Well Control
  • Lubrication
  • Complications During Conventional Kill
  • Techniques to Reduce Annular Friction

Special Well Control Applications

  • Underbalanced Drilling
  • Well Control in Unconventional Hole Programs
  • Casing and Cementing Operations


  • High Pressure Equipment
  • Control System Equipment and Design
  • BOP Inspection and Test Considerations
  • Low-Pressure Equipment
  • Equipment Arrangement: Design and Philosophy
  • Casing
  • Casing Heads and Spools
  • Stack Equipment
  • Choke and Kill Line Equipment
  • Drillstem Control Equipment

  Offshore Operations

  • Equipment Used in Floating Drilling
  • Operational Considerations in Floating Well Control
  • Shallow Gas Hazards
  • Trends in Deepwater Drilling


CITRA INTI TRAINING consultant team


3days (effective21thhours )


Interactive Methods, Presentations, Discussions

INVESTMENT TRAINING (Excluding Accommodation) :

  • IDR 9.500.000,-/participant (Jakarta)
  • IDR 9.500.000-/participant (Bandung)
  • IDR 9.500.000,-/participant (Yogyakarta)
  • IDR 11.000.000,-/participant (Bali)
  • IDR 11.000.000,-/participant (Lombok)
  • US$ 3.750/participant (Malaysia)

Webinar via zoom atau aplikasi lain yang disepakati

  • Rp 7.500.000 / participant

Inhouse Training :

  • Melalui pengajuan proposal kami berisikan beberapa ketentuan yg disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak.
  • Nilai investasi training lebih murah

Quota minimal peserta :

  • Offline / tatap muka : 2 – 3 peserta
  • Online / webinar : 1 – 2 peserta
  • Inhouse Training : 5 – 10 peserta

Keterangan lain :

  • Jadwal dan lokasi training bersifat fleksibel, dapat disesuaikan melalui kesepakan peserta.


Training Offline / Tatap muka :

  • Sertifkat, Modul + Soft Copy, Training Kit, Lunch, Coffee Break, Jaket/tas dan diselenggarakan di hotel berbintang

Training Online / Webinar via zoom atau aplikasi lain :

  • Sertifkat, Modul Soft Copy

Inhouse Training :

  • Sertifkat, Modul + Soft Copy, Training Kit, Lunch, Coffee Break, Jaket / tas

  • 0813 3374 3692
  • 0812 8772 0251
  • 021-22830080
  • 021-4603050
  • 021-4807771

  • 0815 7471 0515
  • 0812 1315 3848
  • 0898 9889 064
  • 0812 1222 0471

E – mail & Web site :



  • 8-10 November 2023,Jakarta
  • 15-17 November 2023,Bandung
  • 22-24 November 2023, Surabaya

  • 06-08 Desember 2023,Jakarta
  • 13-15 Desember 2023,Yogyakarta
  • 20-22 Desember 2023,Jakarta
  • 27-29 Desember 2023, Surabaya



  • 03-05 Januari 2024,Bandung
  • 10-12 Januari 2024,Jakarta
  • 17-19 Januari 2024, Surabaya
  • 24-26 Januari 2024,Yogyakarta

  • 07-09 Februari 2024,Bandung
  • 15-17 Februari 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 22-24 Februari 2024,Jakarta
  • 26-28 Februari 2024, Surabaya

  • 06-08 Maret 2024,Bandung
  • 13-15 Maret 2024, Surabaya
  • 20-22 Maret 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 27-29 Maret 2024,Jakarta

  • 03-05 April 2024,Bandung
  • 10-12 April 2024,Jakarta
  • 17-19 April 2024, Surabaya
  • 24-26 April 2024,Yogyakarta 

  • 01-03 Mei 2024,Jakarta
  • 08-10 Mei 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 15-17 Mei 2024,Bandung
  • 22-24 Mei 2024,Bogor

  • 05-07 Juni 2024,Jakarta
  • 12-14 Juni 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 19-21 Juni 2024,Bandung
  • 26-28 Juni 2024, Surabaya

  • 03-05 Juli 2024,Bandung
  • 10-12 Juli 2024,Jakarta
  • 17-19 Juli 2024, Surabaya
  • 24-26 Juli 2024,Yogyakarta

  • 07-09 Agustus 2024,Jakarta
  • 14-16 Agustus 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 21-23 Agustus 2024,Bandung
  • 28-30 Agustus 2024, Surabaya

  • 04-06 September 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 11-13 September 2024,Bandung
  • 18-20 September 2024, Surabaya
  • 25-27 September 2024,Jakarta

  • 02-04 Oktober 2024, Surabaya
  • 09-11 Oktober 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 16-18 Oktober 2024,Bandung
  • 23-25 Oktober 2024,Jakarta

  • 06-08 November 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 13-15 November 2024,Jakarta
  • 20-22 November 2024,Bandung
  • 27-29 November 2024, Surabaya

  • 04-06 Desember 2024,Jakarta
  • 11-13 Desember 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 18-20 Desember 2024,Jakarta
  • 25-27 Desember 2024,Surabaya