Training Gas Detection and Flow Measurement : (5-7 Agustus 2024,Jakarta) (12-14 Agustus 2024,Bogor) (19-21 Agustus 2024,Yogyakarta) (26-28 Agustus 2024,Bandung)

Date(s) - 05/08/2024 - 07/08/2024
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


This course is intended to give a breadth and depth analysis in gas detection problems which are actually and frequently occurred in the field. In this course the way to diagnose and solve the problem will be shown. Beside that how to detect ant determine micelleneous constituents in gas will be presented too.

GOALS :     

The participants will be brought to current methods in analyzing gas detection problems that occured in actual fields. Skills in identifying various problems will be build during the course. The modern technique uses a relatively complicated method, but, more accurate and serves much more information needed for gas detection and analysis.

After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to :

  • Understand the basic concept of gas handling processes and operation, and how to operate this technology in field application.
  • Diagnostic of gas detection in oil and gas field under actual drive mechanism and future performance with current handling processes.
  • Analyze the gas detection under with actual handling system processes using various methods and to plan the better development of gas processing system.
  • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of gas  detection, calculation and operation.


No specified  (Operator/ Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer) 


Introduction to Gas Process and Operation

Gas Properties

  • Ideal gas
  • Real Gas
  • Gas Formation Volume Factor
  • Gas Compressibility
  • Gas-Water System
  • Gas-Condensate System

Gas Detection and Sampling

  • Size and Type of Sampling
  • Standard Conditions for Sampling
  • Sample Lines and Connections
  • Confining Fluids
  • Metering Samples
  • Collection of Samples

Volumetric Analysis of Gas by Chemical Methods

  • Theory of Gas Analysis
  • Analytical Apparatus
  • Accuracy and Precision
  • Absorbent  Solutions for Gaseous Components
  • Combustion Methods for Gaseous Components
  • Analytical Procedures

Low Temperature Fractional Distillation Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Fractional Apparatus
  • Application of Fractional Apparatus

Other Analytical Methods

  • Mass Spectrometer
  • Infra Red Analyser
  • Gas Chromatograph

Detection and Determination of Micellaneous Constituents

  • Hydrogen Sulfide
  • Organic and Total Sulfur
  • Water Vapor
  • Nitrogen Compounds

Detection  and Determination of CarbonMonoxide in Minute Concentrations

  • Maximim Allowance Concentration of CarbonMonoxide in Air Breathed
  • Micellaneous for Trace Detention and Determination

Detection and Determination of Suspended Particles

  • Sampling
  • Dust Detection and Determination
  • Tar Detection and Determination

Gas Calorimetry

  • Water-Flow Calorimetry
  • Cutler-Hammer Recording Calorimetry
  • Other Recording Calorimeter

Gas Density and Specific Gravity

  • Density
  • Specific Gravity

Gas Pressure Meaurements

  • Pitot Tubes
  • Liquid Column Manometers
  • Multiplying Gages
  • Micromanometers
  • Gages for Locating Liquid Surface
  • Mechanical Pressure Gages
  • Gage Calibration
  • Vacuum or Low Absolute Pressure Gages
  • Laboratory Determination of Gas Appliance Pressure Drop

Gas Temperature Measurements

  • Flue Gas Temperature Measurements
  • Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
  • Liquid-Expansion Thermometers
  • Liquid Pressure Thermometers
  • Gas-and Vapor-Prewssure Thermometers
  • Bimetallic Thermometers
  • Thermocouples
  • Resitance Thermometers
  • Radiation Pyrometers
  • Optical Pyrometers
  • Electrical Temperature Measuring Instruments
  • Pyrometric Cones, Crayons, Pellets, Lacquer
  • Calibration of Temperature Instruments
  • SurfaceTemperatrure
  • BTU Meters


CITRA INTI TRAINING consultant team


3days (effective21thhours )


INVESTMENT TRAINING (Excluding Accommodation) :

  • IDR 9.500.000,-/participant (Jakarta)
  • IDR 9.500.000-/participant (Bandung)
  • IDR 9.500.000,-/participant (Yogyakarta)
  • IDR 11.000.000,-/participant (Bali)
  • IDR 11.000.000,-/participant (Lombok)
  • US$ 3.750/participant (Malaysia)

Webinar via zoom atau aplikasi lain yang disepakati

  • Rp 7.500.000 / participant

Inhouse Training :

  • Melalui pengajuan proposal kami berisikan beberapa ketentuan yg disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak.
  • Nilai investasi training lebih murah

Quota minimal peserta :

  • Offline / tatap muka : 2 – 3 peserta
  • Online / webinar : 1 – 2 peserta
  • Inhouse Training : 5 – 10 peserta

Keterangan lain :

  • Jadwal dan lokasi training bersifat fleksibel, dapat disesuaikan melalui kesepakan peserta.


Training Offline / Tatap muka :

  • Sertifkat, Modul + Soft Copy, Training Kit, Lunch, Coffee Break, Jaket/tas dan diselenggarakan di hotel berbintang

Training Online / Webinar via zoom atau aplikasi lain :

  • Sertifkat, Modul Soft Copy

Inhouse Training :

  • Sertifkat, Modul + Soft Copy, Training Kit, Lunch, Coffee Break, Jaket / tas

  • 0813 3374 3692
  • 0812 8772 0251
  • 021-22830080
  • 021-4603050
  • 021-4807771

  • 0815 7471 0515
  • 0812 1315 3848
  • 0813 3374 3692
  • 0898 9889 064
  • 0812 1222 0471

E – mail & Web site :



  • 29-31 Agustus 2023,Malang

  • 6-8 September 2023,Yogyakarta
  • 13-15 September 2023,Bandung
  • 20-22 September 2023, Surabaya
  • 27-29 September 2023,Jakarta

  • 4-6 Oktober 2023, Surabaya
  • 11-13 Oktober 2023,Yogyakarta
  • 18-20 Oktober 2023,Bandung
  • 25-27 Oktober 2023,Jakarta

  • 1-3 November 2023,Yogyakarta
  • 8-10 November 2023,Jakarta
  • 15-17 November 2023,Bandung
  • 22-24 November 2023, Surabaya

  • 6-8 Desember 2023,Jakarta
  • 13-15 Desember 2023,Yogyakarta
  • 20-22 Desember 2023,Jakarta
  • 27-29 Desember 2023,Surabaya



  • 2-4 Januari 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 8-10 Januari 2024,Jakarta
  • 15-17 Januari 2024,Bogor
  • 22-24 Januari 2024,Bandung



  • 5-7 Februari 2024,Bandung
  • 12-14 Februari 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 19-21 Februari 2024,Jakarta
  • 26-28 Februari 2024,Bogor

  • 4-6 Maret 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 12-14 Maret 2024,Bandung
  • 18-20 Maret 2024,Bogor
  • 25-27 Maret 2024,Jakarta

  • 1-3 April 2024,Jakarta
  • 15-17 April 2024,Bandung
  • 22-24 April 2024,Yogyakarta



  • 6-8 Mei 2024,Bandung
  • 13-15 Mei 2024,Jakarta
  • 20-22 Mei 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 27-29 Mei 2024,Bogor



  • 3-5 Juni 2024,Bogor
  • 10-12 Juni 2024,Bandung
  • 18-20 Juni 2024,Jakarta
  • 22-26 Juni 2024,Yogyakarta



  • 1-3 Juli 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 8-10 Juli 2024,Bandung
  • 15-17 Juli 2024,Bogor
  • 22-24 Juli 2024,Jakarta



  • 5-7 Agustus 2024,Jakarta
  • 12-14 Agustus 2024,Bogor
  • 19-21 Agustus 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 26-28 Agustus 2024,Bandung



  • 2-4 September 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 9-11 September 2024,Jakarta
  • 17-19 September 2024,Bandung
  • 23-25 September 2024,Bogor



  • 7-9 Oktober 2024,Bogor
  • 14-16 Oktober 2024,Bandung
  • 21-23 Oktober 2024,Jakarta
  • 28-30 Oktober 2024,Yogyakarta



  • 4-6 November 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 11-13 November 2024,Bogor
  • 18-20 November 2024,Bandung
  • 25-27 November 2024,Jakarta

  • 2-4 Desember 2024,Jakarta
  • 9-11 Desember 2024,Bogor
  • 16-18 Desember 2024,Yogyakarta
  • 26-29 Desember 2024,Bandung